
艺术家王淑梅简介王淑梅,女,湖南长沙人。自幼随母亲学习湘绣,1954年入国营长沙红星湘绣厂工作,后相继在长沙市湘绣生产合作社、湖南省手工业联社湘绣厂、湖南省湘绣研讨 所从事刺诱工作,工艺美术师。1985在退休。中国美术家协会会员。 擅长湘绣。参与绣制的《松鹤》等陈列于北京人民大会堂;《屏开花艳喜东风》入选全国工艺美术展,双面立体绣《西厢记》获全国工艺旅游产品展四新产品奖。1981年应邀赴日本现场表演。Introduction to the artistFemale, hunan Changsha person. From a child learns Hunan embroidery along with the mother, entered factory of Hunan embroidery of state-operated Changsha red star to work 1954, handicraft industry of cooperation, Hunan Province is produced in Hunan embroidery of the Changsha City in succession after institute of Hunan embroidery of factory of couplet company Hunan embroidery, Hunan Province is engaged in thorn luring the job, division of arts and crafts. 1985 be in emeritus. Chinese artist academician. Be good at Hunan embroidery. Participate in embroider to make " Song He " wait for hall of congress of people of old rank Beijing; " screen blossoms east wind of colourful happy event " arts and crafts of selected whole nation is exhibited, double-faced and stereo embroider " compartment is written down on the west " obtain product of countrywide craft travel to exhibit award of 4 new products. Attended Japanese spot show on invitation 1981.

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