
艺术家王憨生简介王憨生(1921.6—1995.3)福建厦门人。擅长美术组织、美术教育。1943年毕业于广西省立艺专。历任中、小学美术教师,滇黔桂边纵滇中艺工团团长,东川市文教局副局长,云南艺术学院副院长、副教授。Introduction to the artistWang Han is unripe (1921.6, person of 1995.3) Fujian Xiamen. Be good at education of art organization, art. Was graduated from Guangxi 1943 provincial art only. Have successively held the posts of teacher of art of medium, elementary school, art industry grows all round in the Zong Dian side laurel of Guizhou of another name for Yunnan Province, deputy director general of bureau of culture and education of Dong Chuan city, assistant dean of Yunnan art college, associate professor.

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