
简介1964年生于河北。曾任中国美术馆副馆长、新疆维吾尔自治区文明 厅副厅长(援疆任职)、文明 艺术出版社社长、中国艺术研讨 院中国艺术研讨 推广中心主任、中国国家画院艺术信息研讨 中心主任、中国艺术研讨 院中国当代艺术院副院长、今日美术馆馆长、《东方艺术》《今日美术》杂志主编、河北教育出版社北京风雅颂文明 艺术中心总监。兼任全国美术馆专业委员会副主任理事和中国美术家协会实验艺术委员会副主任。 多年来,张子康不断 活跃在美术馆界。在担任今日美术馆馆长八年期间,推出1 系列重要的当代艺术展,将今日美术馆打形成 中国最有影响力的当代美术馆,得到国际国内艺术界、学术界的广泛好评;在调任新疆文明 厅期间,兼任新疆美术馆筹备处主任,不遗余力地推进当地美术馆的建设。促成两届新疆双年展,积极宣扬 地域艺术的影响力并取得明显 成效;2014年起,担任中国美术馆副馆长,负责学术研讨 部、策划部、展览设计部、发展处工作,积累了丰富的国家美术馆工作经验。 同时,张子康还是国内资深的出版人。1996年至今,掌管 策划、编辑出版各类古代与古代 艺术理论、文学图书千余册,多次荣获国家级图书奖项;掌管 策划众多在国内外的大型艺术展览;著有《美术馆》(合著)、《文明 造城》(合著)、《跨界生存》(专著)和《张子康》作品集等,并发表百余篇艺术理论相干 文章;创作的绘画作品多次参加国内外重要学术展览。人物经历自幼爱好 绘画。 1989年参加工作以来,曾担任或兼任过多项职务,掌管 过诸多文明 事业工作。 1999年至2006年 掌管 创办了北京颂雅风文明 艺术中心,并任北京风雅颂文明 艺术中心总监。 2004年至2012年,兼任北京今日美术馆馆长,任职期间,创建了中国第1 家民营非企业公益性美术馆,开中国民营美术馆的先河,引进国外先进的管理理念和模式,结合中国当代文明 艺术的发展示 状,成功地探索了1 条适合中国民营美术馆的生存发展之路,大力推动中国文明 事业的公益性发展; 2009年至2011年,任中国艺术研讨 院中国艺术研讨 推广中心主任,负责多个艺术项目,任职期间正值出版社转型的关键阶段,创建了新的出版模式,针对政企转型做了成功尝试。 2011年至2014年,任新疆维吾尔自治区文明 厅副厅长、新疆画院院长,在任期间大力推动新疆当地的文明 艺术发展,掌管 筹建新疆维吾尔自治区美术馆,并掌管 策划“新疆国际艺术双年展”。 2014年至2017年5月,任中国美术馆副馆长,主抓研讨 与策划、设计、发展等工作,在美术馆体制建设和美术馆学术方面进行了无益 探索。 2016年9月 出版了《张子康》油画作品集和《张子康1 疆域》摄影作品集。 2017年5月至今任地方 美术学院美术馆馆长。 2016年9月,出版了个人油画作品集和摄影作品集。 展览 2016年 中韩当代20人展 韩国光州市美术馆,光州大子城美术馆: 韩国,广州 2016年 当代艺术名家约请 展 江西 2016年 韩国光州国际艺术展 韩国光州 获奖记录 1998年《王朝闻集(二十二册精装)》获第四届国家图书奖1 等奖 1998年第三届全国优秀中青年编辑奖 出版书籍 2016年9月中信出版社《疆Ÿ域——张子康摄影作品集》 2016年9月人民美术出版社《张子康作品集》 2014年2月中国青年出版社《跨界生存》 2011年11月广西师范大学出版社《文明 造城》 2009年4月中国青年出版社《美术馆》 English IntroductionZhang Zikang was born in Hebei in 1964. Former Vice-curator of the Chinese Art Museum, Vice-Director of the Cultural Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, President of the Culture and Art Publishing House, Director of the Chinese Art Research and Promotion Center of the Chinese Academy of Art, Director of the Art Information Research Center of the Chinese National Academy of Art, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Contemporary Art, Director of Todays Art Museum, Oriental Art Today 》 Editor-in-chief of the magazine and director of Beijing Fengyazong Culture and Art Center of Hebei Education Publishing House. He is also vice director of the National Gallery Professional Committee and vice director of the Experimental Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association.Personal ExperienceHe was born in Hebei in 1964. Former Vice-curator of the Chinese Art Museum, Vice-Director of the Cultural Department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (in aid of Xinjiang), President of the Culture and Art Press, Director of the Chinese Art Research and Promotion Center of the Chinese Academy of Art, Director of the Art Information Research Center of the Chinese National Academy of Painting, Vice-President of the Chinese Academy of Contemporary Art of the Chinese Acade Director of the Art Gallery, Editor-in-Chief of Oriental Art and Todays Art Magazine, Director of Beijing Fengyazong Culture and Art Center, Hebei Education Publishing House. He is also vice director of the National Gallery Professional Committee and vice director of the Experimental Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association. Zhang Zikang has been active in the art gallery for many years. During his eight years as curator of Todays Art Museum, he launched a series of important contemporary art exhibitions, which turned Todays Art Museum into the most influential contemporary art museum in China, and won wide acclaim from both international and domestic art circles and academic circles. During his transfer to the Xinjiang Cultural Hall, he also served as director of the Preparatory Office of Xinjiang Art Museum, spared no effort. Promote the construction of local art galleries. Promote two Xinjiang Biennials, actively publicize the influence of regional art and achieve remarkable results. Since 2014, he has served as vice-curator of the Chinese Art Museum, responsible for academic research, planning, exhibition design and development department, and accumulated rich experience of the National Art Museum. At the same time, Zhang Zikang is also a senior publisher in China. Since 1996, he has hosted the planning, editing and publishing of more than 1000 volumes of ancient and modern art theories and literary books, and has won many national book awards. He has hosted and planned numerous large-scale art exhibitions at home and abroad. His works include Art Museum (Co-authorship), Cultural City Building (Co-authorship), Cross-Border Survival (monograph) and《 Zhang Zikang has published more than 100 articles on art theory, and his paintings have participated in many important academic exhibitions at home and abroad.

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