
艺术家张美根简介张美根,男,1967年2月生,江苏省吴县人,高级工艺美术师,现为江苏省美术家协会会员,江苏省国画院特聘画师,苏州市文联画院高级画师,吴中区政协委员,吴中区美术家协会秘书长,吴中区民进文艺二支部支部主任。擅长国画,主攻山水花鸟画。 1994年被吴县教委评为青年教师“双十佳”, 1998年被评为苏州市优秀班主任, 2000年获吴县市学科带头人称号,被授予江苏省艺术教育先进个人称号, 2001年被评为苏州市职教零碎 美术学科带头人。 1992年国画作品获中国画大赛二等奖, 1996年20幅作品参加上海市首届艺术博览会。 2000年作品参加由中国美术家协会主办的中国画三百家,Introduction to the artistZhang Meigen, male, unripe in Feburary 1967, jiangsu is saved prefectural person, division of advanced arts and crafts, save artist academician for Jiangsu now, jiangsu saves courtyard of traditional Chinese painting to hire painter especially, imperial art academy of couplet of Suzhou city article is advanced painter, committee member of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference of Wu Zhong area, secretary-general of association of artist of Wu Zhong area, wu Zhong area civilian enter literary director of 2 branch branch. Be good at traditional Chinese painting, 1994 by the county teachs appoint judge for young teacher " double 10 beautiful " , Was judged to be Suzhou city outstanding classmaster 1998, Obtained 2000 name of leader of prefectural town course, jiangsu be awardinged saves art to teach advanced individual title, Was judged to be Suzhou city office to teach systematic art course the leader 2001. Work of traditional Chinese painting obtained China to draw a contest 1992 second-class award, 20 work attended Shanghai 1996 first artistic exposition. Work attended the China that sponsors by Chinese artist association to draw 300 2000,

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