
艺术家姜今简介姜今(1923—2007)笔名龙华、筑翁。湖南醴陵人。工艺美术家。长时间 从事图案教学和舞台美术、电影美术设计工作。别号龙华,筑翁。湖南醴陵人。早年毕业于国立杭州艺专图案系。前后 执教于华中师范学院、湖北艺术学院和广州美术学院。曾任广州美术学院教授,国画教研室、工艺教研室主任,研讨 生导师,广州装璜 学会顾问。中国画已在日本、法国、意大利、新加坡、泰国、澳大利亚、约旦等十多个国家展出。影片设计有:《大浪淘沙》、《红叶题诗》等。曾参加武汉长江大桥的装潢 设计,及其书籍装帧、商品装璜 设计。对湖北民间剪纸、门画作过调查研讨 ,并进行了组织和改革工作。1956年作品曾获文明 部1 等奖。著有《论情势 美》、《图案》、《工艺美术美学探讨》和《舞台美术研讨 》、《画境》、《中国花鸟画发展史》、《设计艺术》、《打散构成》、《图案设计与利用 》、《姜今诗文集》等。在装潢 设计和国画创作中,将图案、国画、金石三者结合起来,以探索新的艺术情势 。Introduction to the artistJiang Jin (1923, 2007) pseudonym Long Hua, build old man. Hunan sweets wine hill person. Home of arts and crafts. Pursue job of artistic design of design education and arena art, film for a long time. Alias Long Hua, build old man. Hunan sweets wine hill person. Ones early years is graduated from national Hangzhou art only design is. Teach early or late institute of the normal school in Yuhua, Hubei art institute and Guangzhou academy of fine arts. Ever held the post of professor of Guangzhou academy of fine arts, director of staff room of traditional Chinese painting, craft staff room, graduate student adviser, guangzhou decorate learns adviser. Is traditional Chinese painting already in in Japan, France, Italy, Singapore, peaceful More than 10 countries such as country, Australia, Jordan exhibit. Film design has: " sea cleans out sand " , " red autumnal leaves inscribes a poem " etc. Ceng Can adds the adornment of big bridge of Wuhan the Yangtse River to design, reach design of decorate of its book binding and layout, commodity. To Hubei folk paper-cut, door the picture has made investigation and study, undertook organize and reforming the job. Work ever won culture ministry first prize 1956. have " talk formal beauty " , " design " , " aesthetic of arts and crafts is discussed " with " arena art studies " , " picturesque scene " , " Chinese painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws phylogeny " , " the design is artistic " , " break up is formed " , " design design and. In decorating design and creation of traditional Chinese painting, design, traditional Chinese painting, inscriptions 3 person union rises, in order to explore new artistic form.

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