
艺术家邓远坡简介邓远坡,1955年生于山东,国家1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员。文明 部中国艺术研讨 院中国画院专职画家,文明 部中国国际书画艺术研讨 会理事,1994年11月、2000年10月两次在中国美术馆举办个人画展,2004年8月,获中国艺术研讨 院主办评选的“黄宾虹奖”奖。2004年11月参加中国画研讨 院主办的“当代中国画回望展”。2005年6月参加由中国艺术研讨 院中国美术创作院主办的“南北花鸟、当代中国花鸟画学术交流展”。2005年参与文明 部、解放军总设备 部、中国载人航天工程办公室批准的“神舟六号飞船”搭载的《中国国画长卷.神州颂》和2008年“神舟七号飞船”搭载的《中国国画长卷.和平颂》的创作。2005年、2007年入选第三届、第四届全国画院优秀作品展。大写意花鸟画作品《鸣春》入选第十1 届全国美展,2010年大写意花鸟画作品《紫藤》入选第九届中国艺术节《中国风格﹑时代丹青》全国优秀美术作品展,多次参加全国性美展和出国联展。出版多部绘画专集,作品被中国美术馆及国内外多家美术馆,博物馆收藏。 邓远坡作为一位 承传延续的大写意花鸟画家,注重 中国画传统,更注重 对大自然的感悟和对中国文明 精神内涵的体悟。其画笔墨奔放奇纵,韵致高雅洒脱,意趣生动清纯。在他的花鸟画中我们感受到徐渭的姿肆狂放、八大的凝练静穆、吴昌硕的老辣雄奇、齐白石的天真烂漫,画面易于理解而又耐人寻味。他尽力保存了传统体系的严整性,而又在以1 腔古代 人的精神和努力从传统脉系中延伸,在笔墨、章法、意蕴及中国花鸟画创作相干 的文明 素养,艺术涵养 等方面均已达到了相当高的境界。Introduction to the artistDeng Yuanpo, was born at Shandong 1955, country division of one class art, chinese artist academician. China of artistic academy of culture ministry China draws courtyard full-time painter, culture ministry director of seminar of art of China International painting and calligraphy, in November 1994, individual art exhibition was held twice in Chinese art gallery in October 2000, in August 2004, obtain Chinese artistic academy to sponsor choose " Huang Binhong award " award. Academy of the traditional Chinese painting in attending in November 2004 sponsors " the traditional Chinese painting in now is answered hope to exhibit " . Attended to create a courtyard to sponsor by art of China of Chinese artistic academy in June 2005 " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of north and south, contemporary China painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws academic communication to exhibit " . Participated in approval of office of project of manned spaceflight of ministry of culture ministry, equipment of liberation army general assembly, China 2005 " divine boat 6 airship " embark " Chinese traditional Chinese painting is long roll. China eulogy " and 2008 " divine boat 7 airship " embark " Chinese traditional Chinese painting is long roll. Peaceful eulogy " creation. 2005, selected 2007 the 3rd, outstanding work exhibits imperial art academy of the 4th whole nation. Great desire painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws work " cry spring " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of great 2010 desire draws work " wistaria " selected artistic moral integrity of the 9th China " times of Chinese style ﹑ paintings " work of countrywide fine art is exhibited, attend to national beauty is exhibited and go abroad for many times couplet is exhibited. Publish many brushwork only collect, work is reached by Chinese art gallery art gallery of domestic and international much home, museum is collected. The painter of great desire painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style that Deng Yuanpo regards a Cheng Chuanyan as add, the traditional Chinese painting in taking seriously is traditional, the comprehension that takes pair of nature seriously more and the body to connotation of Chinese culture spirit are realized. Its draw writing to vertical,surprise jazzily, charm is sent decorous and free and easy, interest is lively Qing Chun. The appearance four unruly or unrestrained that in picture of his painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style we experience Xu Wei, 8 big concise of solemn and quiet, Wu Changshuo old hot of magnificent, Qi Baishi childlike, the picture understands easily and afford for thought. He endeavored to save the gender of in neat formation of traditional system, and in trying hard to be fastened from traditional arteries and veins with passion in the spirit with one antrum modern outspread, in writing, art of composition, meaning accumulate the artistic appreciation related creation of picture of bird of the national flower in reaching, the respect such as artistic accomplishment already all reached quite tall state.

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