
艺术家李铁良简介李铁良,河北隆尧人。擅长装潢 美术。国立北平艺专陶瓷科肄业,中国人民大学函授专修毕业。前后 在中宣部出版委员会、出版总署出版局、人民出版社、宁夏日报社、宁夏人民出版社任美术编辑、总编室主任,美术编审。作品有《初雪》、《同音研讨 》、《古西行记选注》、《宁夏》、《篆字汇》等曾获优秀装帧艺术奖。论文《以美的情势 表现美的内容》、《谈大型摄影画册的装帧设计》。出版著作有《报头图案集》、《常用字篆字汇》、《篆刻篆书字典》等。Introduction to the artistYao Ren of grand of Li Tieliang Heibei. Be good at decorating art. National north is smooth art only study in school of division of pottery and porcelain, chinese people university teachs by correspondence specialize in graduation. Publish committee in the China Communist News Ministry early or late, publish total arrange to publish press of people of company of daily of press of bureau, people, Ningxia, Ningxia to hold the post of director of room of art editor, chief editor, art reads and edit. Work has " Chu Xue " , " unisonant research " , " ancient westing is written down anthology note " , " Ningxia " , " seal glossary " wait to ever won award of art of outstanding binding and layout. Paper " the content that behaves the United States with beautiful form " , " the binding and layout that talks about large photography an album of paintings is designed " . Publication composing has " masthead design collect " , " glossary of seal of commonly used word " , " dictionary of seal cutting seal character " etc.

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