
艺术家郭长林简介郭长林(1930—)土家族,湖南永顺人。擅长民间年画。毕业于贵阳师范艺术系。在四川省群众艺术馆从事美术工作,副研讨 馆员。1988年文明 部授予“民间美术工作开拓者”的称号。著有《四川皮影艺术》、《四川绵竹年画艺术特色》、《话谘四川绵竹、梁平、夹江木版年画》、《更新观念、走向古代 —繁荣四川年画创作》、《继承、发展、创新—四川年画的回顾》、《竹艺》等。作品《鸟语花香》、《和和美美》、《蝶恋花》等参加省、全国及出国美展,并获奖。Introduction to the artistGuo Changlin (1930, ) the Tujia nationality, hunan always arranges a person. Be good at civilian New Year picture. Be graduated from art of Guiyang normal school is. In art of Sichuan province masses the house pursues art job, the deputy member that study a house. Culture ministry awarded 1988 " trailblazer of civilian art work " title. have " art of Sichuan skin shadow " , " characteristic of art of New Year picture of Sichuan continous bamboo " , " New Year picture of edition of Jiang Mu of bamboo of continous of word Zi Sichuan, Liang Ping, clip " , " renew idea, strike contemporary, prosperous Sichuan New Year picture is created " , . Work " charactizing a fine spring day " , " mix and beautiful beauty " , " butterfly love a flower " etc attend province, whole nation to reach beauty going abroad to exhibit, and bear the palm.

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