
艺术家林载华简介林载华(1942.11—2005.8),广东梅县人。擅长工艺美术。广东佛山民间艺术研讨 社工艺师。 作品有剪纸《爱劳动、爱清洁》、《工地新歌》,壁画《红楼梦——金陵十二钗》等。 艺博院收藏部分三批共收藏了林载华26套共80件作品,并惊喜地发现了他后期创风格 格的新变化——《狩猎图》是1 个老猎人带着孙子和猎狗在森林里打猎。枪1 响,野猪应声倒地,野鹿、狐狸、刺猬奔逃四散。这幅剪纸构思饱满而变化多端;人物、野兽的外型 优美、生动;各种树木都有不同的形状 。通过枪声,瞬间激起各种动物爆发出剧烈的动感,凝固出1 种热闹的氛围,产生1 种节奏强烈的装潢 效果,整幅作品使人感到既有生活实感更具艺术之美。 《青年育种家》和《水乡小景》等,均流动着诗普通 的意境!黑白相衬,把装潢 画的对比规律应用 自若 ,让剪纸艺术融入了新的元素。 《划龙舟》是刻、绘结合的剪纸作品,龙舟以横线条表现、排列直线做旗杆,人物所用船桨用斜线表现,由于垂线的对比,给人前进的跳跃感。剪纸造形夸张,布局平衡中而有变化,不感觉简单乏味。画面采用金底彩绘,显得灿烂多彩,给人1 种热闹的装潢 感,充满节日气氛。Introduction to the artistLin Zaihua (1942.11, 2005.8) , person of Guangdong plum county. Be good at arts and crafts. Division of technology of company of research of Guangdong Fosan folk art. Work has paper-cut " love labor, love is clean " , " building site new song " , mural " red Lou Meng -- Jin Ling 12 hairpin " wait. Art rich courtyard collects a part 3 batches collected Lin Zaihua in all 26 in all 80 work, the new change that discovered his later period creates a style surprizingly -- " chase graph " it is an old hunter taking grandchildren and hunting dog to hunt in the forest. The gun rings, boar falls down immediately, wild deer, fox, hedgehog flees broadcast. This paper-cut conception is full and metabolic multiterminal; The modelling of character, beast is beautiful, vivid; All sorts of tree have different pattern. Carry report of a gun, the instant arouses all sorts of animals to erupt to be moved acutenessly feeling, caky give a kind of lively atmosphere, produce the adornment result with a kind of strong rhythm, whole work makes the person feels the beauty that already life fact feeling possesses skill more. " young breeding home " and " Xiaojing of a region of rivers and lakes " wait, all flowing the artistic concept with general poem! Line of black and white look, the comparative rule that draws adornment applies freely, made paper-cut artistic blend in new element. " delimit dragon boat " it is to engrave, the paper-cut work that draw combines, dragon boat is behaved with horizontal line, arrange become flag post point-blank, character place uses diagonal show with quant, as a result of the contrast of vertical line, give a person ongoing bouncing sense. Paper-cut shaping is exaggerative, layout balance is medium and have change, do not feel simple and drab. The picture uses golden bottom coloured drawing or pattern, appear bright and colorful, give a person a kind of lively adornment sense, be full of festal atmosphere.

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