
艺术家江水沐简介江水沐,作画署名江枫,1957年生,福建诏安人。毕业于福建工艺美术学校,结业于中国艺术研讨 院研讨 生部。作品多次入选中国美协和省美协主办的大型画展并获奖。在上海、新加坡、等地举办5 次个展、联展。出版有《江水沐画集》、《江水沐工笔花鸟画小辑》、《江水沐工笔花鸟画集》。 现为中国美术家协会会员,中国工笔画学会会员,福建省会书画室画师,福建省第九届代表。Introduction to the artistJiang Shuimu, make a picture sign Jiang Feng, unripe 1957, fujian instructs bring a person. Be graduated from school of Fujian arts and crafts, complete a course at graduate student of Chinese artistic academy ministry. Work enters beauty of pitch on country for many times assist with province beauty assist sponsorred large art exhibition and bear the palm. Hold 5 times in and other places of Shanghai, Singapore, Taiwan exhibit, couplet is exhibited. It is Chinese artist academician now, chinese traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws academician, painter of room of painting and calligraphy of standing committee of Fujian Province National Peoples Congress,

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