
艺术家张雪父简介张雪父,浙江镇海人。擅长中国画、工艺美术设计。早年学习西画,1949年后历任上海美术设计公司美术室主任,上海中国画院画师,上海市美术学校校长,上海大学美术学院顾问、教授。作品有《化水灾为水利》、《月下看戏》、《山高水长》等。Introduction to the artistZhang Xuefu is from Zhenhai, Zhejiang Province. Good at Chinese painting, arts and crafts design. He studied western painting in his early years. After 1949, he successively served as the director of the art office of Shanghai art design company, the painter of Shanghai Chinese Academy of painting, the president of Shanghai Academy of fine arts, and the consultant and professor of the Academy of fine arts of Shanghai University. His works include "turning flood into water conservancy", "watching Opera under the moon", "high mountains and long rivers", etc.

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