
艺术家周申简介周申,浙江诸暨人。擅长连环画。1960年毕业于地方 美术学院附中。历任山东菏泽地区展览馆艺术馆美术干部。山东美术出版社美术编辑。中国美术家协会会员。 获奖情况 元史-成吉思汗 《中国历史演义故事--宋史》 获第三届全国连环画绘画创作三等奖, 参加绘画创作的连环画《西游记》 获第四届全国连环画套书1 等奖, 《唐宋传奇》 获第四届全国连环画套书二等奖, 参加绘画创作的《绘画本中国通书》 获第六届中国图书1 等奖, 参与创作的《中华邪气 歌》 获"5 个1 工程"第六届入选作品奖。 次要 作品 作品有《四笔阎王账》、《中国历史演义故事画--宋史》、《蓼儿洼》、《小翠》、《红灯照》、《间谍落网记》等。出版有《周申画册》,收有“《三国演义画本》选页”、“《水浒全传画本》选页”、“《斯巴达克思》插图选”、“《悲惨世界》插图选”等40幅作品。Introduction to the artistZhejiang Zhu Jiren. Be good at comic. Was graduated from attached middle school of central academy of fine arts 1960. Have successively held the posts of Shandong cadre of art of house of art of exhibition of He lustre area. Art of Shandong art publishing house edits. Chinese artist academician. Circumstance of bear the palm Yuan history - into Jisaihan " story of Chinese history historical novel- - Song Shi " Obtain brushwork of comic of the 3rd whole nation to create third class award, The comic that attends painterly creative work " on the west travel notes " Obtain comic of the 4th whole nation to cover book first prize, " Tang Song legend " Obtain comic of the 4th whole nation to cover a book second-class award, Attend painterly creative work " painterly this Chinese almanac " Win first prize of books of the 6th China, Share creative work " song of China healthy atmosphere " Obtain " " of 5 one project reward of the 6th selected work. Main work Work has " 4 Hades Zhang " , " picture of story of Chinese history historical novel- - Song Shi " , " knotweed depression " , " small emerald green " , " red light is illuminated " , " spy is captured write down " etc. Publish have " Zhou Shen an album of paintings " , close have " " historical novel of the Three Kingdoms is drawn this " choose a page " , " " Shui Hu sends a picture completely originally " choose a page " , " " Sibadakesai " illustration is chosen " , " " miserable world " illustration is chosen.

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