
艺术家黄宗湖简介黄宗湖,玉林人,教授、编审。广西美术出版社总编辑,中国美术家协会会员,广西美术家协会理事,漓江画派常务理事,中国书籍装帧艺委会常务理事,广西书籍装帧艺委会主任,广西艺术学院客座教授、硕士生导师,广西文史馆书画院副院长、秘书长,广西致公画院副院长,广西书画院签约画家。 1983年无锡轻工业学院毕业,1990年日本爱知艺术大学研讨 生院毕业,获艺术硕士学位。历任广西人民出版社编辑、广西人民出版社少儿读物美术编辑室负责人、广西美术出版社画册编辑室副主任、接力出版社副总编辑、广西美术出版社总编辑。广西第十届和第十1 届代表,广西外事华侨委员会委员。 1954年 出生于广西玉林镇“大清邮政”大院。父亲为民间服装设计师,通工艺美术,早年习“扇画”、“贴花”与“纸通花”等手艺,后从事服装设计、效果图绘制、打版、制造 等;母亲豁达、勤劳,能持家。宗湖生长在1 个普通的中国家庭; 1960年 在玉林镇古定小学念书,小学里有个夫子庙,在夫子庙前受到了良好的启蒙教育; 1966年 “文明 大”开始,在玉林朝阳初中念书,学校位于城郊,在田野池塘捕鱼抓虾,春华秋实田园般的学习环境,培养了潜在的艺术素养。其间,在学校村落的墙上画了许多“”题材的宣扬 画和标语,办了许多油印报纸; 1969年 初中毕业,辍学,喜画; 边当民工修公路,边给工地写标语搞宣扬 活动。给许多“”期间的宣扬 博览会 做过美工,给街头大字报棚画了许多巨幅宣扬 画; 创作的宣扬 画第1 次参加广西美展; 在美术创作活动中受油画家肖亦力和版画家晏立熹先生启蒙与影响; 1974年 由出版家、雕塑家甘武炎先生推荐,第1 本连环画《海燕双飞》由广西人民出版社出版。以后 曾创作《方世玉》、《气球上的5 星期》、《丝城之战》等连环画与文学插图,在人民美术出版社、《连环画报》等出版社与杂志社出版或发表; 收起>> 1979年 十年“”后恢复高考,考取无锡轻工业学院,进行了专业美术设计训练,习八大山人、石涛、贺天健、钱松喦先生等明清真迹; 在北京受教于王文芳、肖朗先生,在北京师范学院进行了中国画研习,国画山水作品《泰山人家》留校; 1983年 进入广西人民出版社工作,创作巨幅中国人物画《决策者》、《瑶年》及《绿灯》,在广西美展获奖; 1985年 举办“四黄”连环画、插图画展。《广西日报》、广西安电子科技大学 视台、南宁电视台作了专题报道; 1986年 《战壕里的画展》速写作品和活动在《美术报》发表和报道。考取广西自筹资金公派留学日本; 1987年 在日本爱知艺术大学研讨 生院学习,师从日本国际设计大师河野鹰思、田中1 光、松永真和 矶田尚男、片冈修先生等; 作品《唐诗插图》留校研讨 室,并发表于《IDEAR》国际设计家杂志; 作品《静静的小路》在日本“作品展”获银奖;其间,曾举办个展四次,作品广泛被画廊、个人收购与收藏; 会晤日本美术大家加山又造先生,畅谈中日比较文明 艺术、中日绘画艺术现状话题,以后 ,发表《寻觅 加山先生》1 文; 1989年 中国人物画《三月的银光》参加第六届全国美展; 地方 电视台作为优秀作品播出,各大杂志发表; 设计作品《莫莫》获中国书刊设计评比铜奖; 1990年 日本爱知艺术大学研讨 生院毕业,获艺术硕士学位; 毕业后进入三菱二村设计公司,参加三菱公司汽车市场的开发与设计工作; 回国,进入广西美术出版社,为画册编辑室副主任; 1992年 为接力出版社副总编辑,全面主管美术编辑工作,为中国第1 套大型动漫图书设计的创始人; 1994年 设计作品《当代中国画技法赏析》获中国第三届装帧设计大展金奖; 作品入选《古代 美术全集》、《中国50年装帧设计优秀作品》等; 1996年 策划和编辑的大型动漫图书《神脑聪仔》曾获中宣部、国家旧事 出版总署的国家图书奖、中国图书奖和“5 个1 工程”奖等; 1998年 设计作品《儿童文学文论选》获中国第四届装帧设计大展银奖; 设计作品《莲叶集》获中国第四届装帧设计大展优秀作品奖; 2000年 为广西美术出版社总编辑,全面掌管 美术编辑工作。为《傅抱石全集》编委; 2007年为《中国装帧设计年鉴》编委,2008年为中国装帧设计艺术委员会理事; 2001年 被选为广西“十百千人才”工程专家; 2003年 受北海人民的拜托 ,当选为第十、第十1 届广西人民代表大会代表,为广西人民代表大会外事华侨委员会委员; 2004年 设计作品《中国水资源可持续发展》获中国第5 届装帧设计大展铜奖; 在山东济南与国画大家范曾先生会晤,谈论国内外美术大事及现状,范先生为“三角堂”堂号和作品题字; 花鸟画大家于希宁先生为国画作品题字,陈履生先生为堂号题字。为广西书画院签约画家; 2005年 参加“南方花鸟六人展”。出版六人展画册。为广西美术家协会理事,漓江画派常务理事; 2007年 参加漓江画派晋京展、漓江画派艺术研讨会。为广西艺术学院教授、硕士生导师,广西师范学院教授,广西民族大学教授; 曾任广西艺术学院美术学院、中国画学院、设计学院研讨 生毕业论文答辩委员会主席; 参加广西书画院抗冻救灾书画义卖活动; 2008年 参加广西书画院、漓江画派的抗震救灾义卖活动; 入选广西文明 建设工程《广西大百科全书》古代 人物篇; 2009-2012年 “广西近古代 严重 历史题材美术作品”创作签约画家。历史画《广西解放》发表于《美术杂志》、《中国美术杂志》; 2009年 设计作品《中国设计史》获中国第七届装帧设计大展优秀作品奖; 随广西政府代表团、广西美术代表团赴举行画展,进行文明 交流; “广西庆祝新中国成立60周年优秀作品展”获奖; 2013年 历史画《广西解放》完成,然后在《广西近古代 严重 历史题材美术作品集》大型画册上发表; 获奖 2009年设计作品《中国设计史》获中国第七届装帧设计大展优秀作品奖; “广西庆祝新中国成立60周年优秀作品展”获奖; 2004年设计作品《中国水资源可持续发展》获中国第5 届装帧设计大展铜奖; 1998年设计作品《儿童文学文论选》获中国第四届装帧设计大展银奖; 设计作品《莲叶集》获中国第四届装帧设计大展优秀作品奖; 1996年策划和编辑的大型动漫图书《神脑聪仔》曾获中宣部、国家旧事 出版总署的国家图书奖、中国图书奖和“5 个1 工程”奖等; 1994年设计作品《当代中国画技法赏析》获中国第三届装帧设计大展金奖; 1989年设计作品《莫莫》获中国书刊设计评比铜奖; 1987年作品《静静的小路》在日本“作品展”获银奖; 1983年进入广西人民出版社工作,创作巨幅中国人物画《决策者》、《瑶年》及《绿灯》,在广西美展获奖;Introduction to the artistJade forest person, professor, read and edit. Editor in chief of Guangxi art publishing house, chinese artist academician, director of Guangxi artist association, li Jiang Hua appoints standing director, chinese book binding and layout art appoint can standing director, guangxi book binding and layout art appoint conference chairman, visiting professor of Guangxi art college, Master lays a teacher, assistant dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Guangxi Rearch Institute of Culture and History, secretary-general, guangxi sends assistant dean of fair imperial art academy, autograph of courtyard of Guangxi painting and calligraphy makes an appointment with a painter. Graduated without institute of stannic light industry 1983, japan loved to know graduate of artistic college graduate school 1990, obtain artistic masters degree. Have successively held the posts of Guangxi people press publishing house of people of editor, Guangxi is little editor in chief of publishing house of art of deputy editor in chief of press of vice director of room of editor of an album of paintings of publishing house of art of controller of room of reader art editor, Guangxi, relay, Guangxi. Guangxi is mixed the 10th times eleventh delegate of National Peoples Congress, committee member of committee of overseas Chinese of external affairs of Guangxi National Peoples Congress. 1954 Be born in Guangxi jade Lin Zhen " big Qing Dynasty is postal " courtyard. Father is civilian dress stylist, connect arts and crafts, ones early years reviews " fan is drawn " , " applique " with " paper connects a flower " wait for craft, dress is engaged in after scale of graph of design, effect, dozen edition, make etc; The mother is open-minded, laborious, can housekeeping. Zonghu grows in an average Chinese household; 1960 In jade Lin Zhengu decides elementary school to study, there is a master shrine in elementary school, got before master shrine good illuminative education; 1966 "The Great Cultural Revolution " begin, in Yu Linchao in relief junior high school studies, the school is located in outskirts of a city, afield pond fishs catch shrimp, chun Huaqiu fact is rural the learning environment like, fostered potential artistic accomplishment. Meantime, drew on the wall of school dorp a lot of " Culture Revolution " the poster of subject matter and catchphrase, did a lot of mimeograph newspaper; 1969 Junior high school graduates, discontinue ones studying, happy picture; The edge builds road when the laborer, the edge writes catchphrase to make propaganda to building site. To a lot of " Culture Revolution " the propagandist exhibition during has made art designer, to street dazibao canopy was drawn a lot of gigantic a poster; The poster first time of creation attends Guangxi beauty to exhibit; Canvas home Xiao Yi suffers in activity of art creative work force and woodcut home Mr Yan Lixi are illuminative with the influence; 1974 By publication home, sculptor Mr Gan Wuyan is recommended, the first comic " salangane Shuang Fei " publish by Guangxi people press. Ever created later " Fang Shiyu " , " 5 weeks on the balloon " , " the battle of filar city " wait for comic and literary illustration, in people art publishing house, " serial pictorial " wait to press and magazine company are published or be published; Pack up >> 1979 10 years " Culture Revolution " hind restore the university entrance exam, pass an entrance examination does not have institute of stannic light industry, undertook professional artistic design trains, review person of 8 big hill, Shi Tao, He Tianjian, Qian Song Mr waits for bright Islamic mark; Suffer in Beijing religion at Wang Wenfang, Mr Xiao Lang, in institute of Beijing normal school the traditional Chinese painting in undertaking is studied, work of landscape of traditional Chinese painting " father-in-law other people " stay school; 1983 Enter job of Guangxi people press, creation is gigantic a Chinese content picture " policymaker " , " precious jade year " reach " green light " , bear the palm is exhibited in Guangxi beauty; 1985 Hold " 4 yellow " exhibition of paintings of comic, plate. " Guangxi daily " , Guangxi TV station, Nanning TV station made special subject report; 1986 " the art exhibition in entrenchment " literary sketch work and activity are in " art signs up for " publish and report. Guangxi of pass an entrance examination fundses raised by oneself public school studies abroad Japan; 1987 In Japan love informs study of artistic college graduate school, division is thought of from haggard of river of Great Master of Japan border design, tanaka one light, Song Yongzhen and Ji Tian Shangnan, piece ridge repairs a gentleman to wait; Work " Tang poetry illustration " leave school lab, publish at " IDEAR " magazine of international design home; Work " silent alley " in Japan " work exhibits Battle " the award that obtain silver; Meantime, ceng Ju does exhibit 4 times, work is bought extensively by gallery, individual with collect; Meet everybody adds Japanese art hill builds a gentleman again, communicative and Sino-Japanese compare topic of Sino-Japanese and culture art, painterly artistic current situation, later, publish " search the gentleman that add hill " one article; 1989 Chinese content is drawn " the Yin Guang March " attend beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit; The CCTV broadcasts as outstanding work, each are big the magazine is published; Design work " Mo Mo " award of copper of appraise through comparison of design of print of the credential in obtaining; 1990 Japan loves to know graduate of artistic college graduate school, obtain artistic masters degree; 3 water chestnut are entered after graduation 2 villages design a company, the development that enters market of car of company of 3 water chestnut and design work; Go back to the motherland, enter Guangxi art publishing house, edit room vice director for an album of paintings; 1992 For relay press deputy editor in chief, overall director art edits the job, for China the first large the author that uses free books design; 1994 Design work " law of ability of the traditional Chinese painting in now admires analyse " obtain design of the 3rd binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit a gold prize greatly; Work is selected " modern art complete works " , " 50 years of binding and layout of Chinese design outstanding work " etc; 1996 Plan and editorial large move free books " divine head acute hearing young " the national books award that news of Cenghuo China Communist News Ministry, country publishs total arrange, Chinese books award and " 5 one project " award; 1998 Design work " children literature language is talked anthology " obtain design of the 4th binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit silver-colored award greatly; Design work " lotus leaf part " obtain design of the 4th binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit outstanding work reward greatly; 2000 For editor in chief of Guangxi art publishing house, chair art to edit the job in the round. For " Fu Baoshi complete works " make up appoint; Was 2007 " Chinese binding and layout designs almanac " make up appoint, designed artistic council director for Chinese binding and layout 2008; 2001 Be chosen to be Guangxi " 1 million talents " project expert; 2003 Suffer the commission of people of the North sea, be elected for the 10th, eleventh delegate of Guangxi peoples congress, for committee member of committee of overseas Chinese of external affairs of Guangxi peoples congress; 2004 Design work " Chinese water natural resources can develop continuously " obtain the 5th binding and layout of Chinese to design the large award that exhibit copper; In Shandong Jinan and traditional Chinese painting Fan Cengxian gives birth to everybody meet, discuss important matter of domestic and international art and current situation, model the gentleman is " trigonometry hall " hall name and work inscribe; Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style draws everybody to be inscribe of work of traditional Chinese painting at rare peace gentleman, mr Chen Lvsheng is hall name inscribe. For courtyard of Guangxi painting and calligraphy the autograph makes an appointment with a painter; 2005 Attend " 6 people exhibit southern painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style " . Publish 6 people to exhibit an album of paintings. For director of Guangxi artist association, li Jiang Hua appoints standing director; 2007 Attend Li Jiang Hua to send Jin Jing to exhibit, Li Jiang Hua sends artistic seminar. For Guangxi art academic professor, Master lays a teacher, institute of Guangxi normal school is taught, guangxi nation university is taught; Project of graduate student of institute of picture of academy of fine arts of institute of art of Ceng Ren Guangxi, China, design college rejoins committee chairman; Attend courtyard of Guangxi painting and calligraphy to fight activity of sale of work of aspic painting and calligraphy providing disaster relief; 2008 The activity of aseismatic sale of work providing disaster relief that enters Jiang Hua of courtyard of Guangxi painting and calligraphy, Li to send; Selected Guangxi culture builds a project " Guangxi big encyclopedia " modern content piece; 2009-2012 year "Guangxi is modern work of art of great history subject matter " creation autograph makes an appointment with a painter. The history is drawn " Guangxi is liberated " publish at " art magazine " , " Chinese art magazine " ; 2009 Design work " China is designed history " obtain design of the 7th binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit outstanding work reward greatly; Go to Taiwan to hold art exhibition along with Guangxi government delegation, Guangxi art delegacy, have culture communication; "Guangxi celebrates new China to establish outstanding work 60 years to exhibit " bear the palm; 2013 The history is drawn " Guangxi is liberated " finish, be in next " Guangxi is modern collect of work of art of great history subject matter " publish on large an album of paintings; Bear the palm Designed work 2009 " China is designed history " obtain design of the 7th binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit outstanding work reward greatly; "Guangxi celebrates new China to establish outstanding work 60 years to exhibit " bear the palm; Designed work 2004 " Chinese water natural resources can develop continuously " obtain the 5th binding and layout of Chinese to design the large award that exhibit copper; Designed work 1998 " children literature language is talked anthology " obtain the 4th binding and layout of Chinese to design the large award that exhibit silver; Design work " lotus leaf part " obtain design of the 4th binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit outstanding work reward greatly; Was engineered 1996 and editorial large move free books " divine head acute hearing young " the national books award that news of Cenghuo China Communist News Ministry, country publishs total arrange, Chinese books award and " 5 one project " award; Designed work 1994 " law of ability of the traditional Chinese painting in now admires analyse " obtain design of the 3rd binding and layout of Chinese to exhibit a gold prize greatly; Designed work 1989 " Mo Mo " award of copper of appraise through comparison of design of print of the credential in obtaining; 1987 work " silent alley " in Japan " work exhibits Battle " the award that obtain silver; Entered job of Guangxi people press 1983, creation is gigantic a Chinese content picture " policymaker " , " precious jade year " reach " green light " , bear the palm is exhibited in Guangxi beauty;

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