
艺术家黄鹂简介黄鹂(1935.1—)女,土家族,湖南吉首人。擅长民间木版年画、民间美术。1954年毕业于浙江美术学院。前后 在山东省文明 局、省文联、省二轻局工艺美术研讨 所从事创作和研讨 工作。上海中华旅游纪念品总公司工艺美术师。作品有《新春大吉》、《飞雪迎春》、《1 孩最好》等。Introduction to the artistOriole (1935.1, ) female, the Tujia nationality, hunan auspicious head person. Be good at art of civilian wood-block New Year picture, folk. Was graduated from Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1954. Save couplet of article of culture bureau, province, province in Shandong early or late institute of arts and crafts is engaged in 2 light bureaus create and studying the work. Division of arts and crafts of head office of souvenir of Shanghai China travel. Work has " big auspicious of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Years Day " , " flying Xue Yingchun " , " one child is best " etc.

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