
艺术家吴淑生简介吴淑生(1925.4—)女,江苏盐城人。擅长工艺美术。1948年毕业于杭州国立艺术专科学校。历任地方 美术学院教师,北京工艺美术学校副教授。作品有《花卉头巾围巾》、《瓜蝶台布》。主编有《图案设计基础》等。Introduction to the artistWu Shusheng (1925.4, ) female, person of Jiangsu salt city. Be good at arts and crafts. Was graduated from training school of Hangzhou state-maintaineding art 1948. Have successively held the posts of teacher of central academy of fine arts, associate professor of school of Beijing arts and crafts. Work has " flowers babushka scarf " , " melon butterfly tablecloth " . Chief editor has " design designs a foundation " etc.

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